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母子家庭の末っ子長男、姉2人、那覇市で生まれ育った。幼少期の病気の後遺症で片耳が聞こえず、耳鳴りに悩まされていたが、それを忘れさせてくれたのが深夜のラジオやお気に入りの映画の世界に没入することだった。映画を録り貯めた宝物のVHSを擦り切れるほど見返し、毎晩ラジオを左耳にあてて眠りにつく少年だった。 サッカーに明け暮れた学生時代を経て、高校卒業後は社会を学ぶべく東京・大阪・福岡などで30種以上の仕事を転々とした。なかでも映画好きが高じて選んだカメラマンの仕事に才能を発揮することとなった。フリーランスに転向後も様々な仕事に恵まれ、寝る間も惜しんで撮影に尽力、キャリアを着実に積んでいった。しかし、商業カメラマンとなることへの疑問を拭いきれず写真家となることを決意。短期の旅行ではなく海外での暮らしを通して制作活動に打ち込みたいと考えるようになり、2016年には沖縄を離れる。フィリピン・セブ島では予想を上回るカオスに遭遇し苦しい時間を過ごしたが、素晴らしい出会いに恵まれたカナダ・トロントではビッグ・クライアントとの仕事を手にすることとなった。金城はこうして写真を通じた自己表現のインスピレーションを高めていった。 帰国後の2018年、沖縄に拠点を戻し公私ともに地に足をつけた活動にフォーカスすることとなる。県内外でのプロジェクトに関わる一方、精力的に作品づくりにも取り組み、約1年の間に3つの写真展を開催した。写真家金城良孝の原点となる海外生活で撮り貯めた作品をまとめた「 Concept」、実父の死と向き合い長年抱いてきた思いを鎮めるために撮りおろした「鎮魂写」、沖縄を拠点に活躍する自然派アーティストの芽依夢のマタニティ・ヌードを含む出産までの日々をおさめた写真集「Energy」を発表。そのメッセージ性の強さから数々のメディアにも掲載された。「アートは上質なコミュニケーションの入り口」という本人の言葉通り、自身の作品群を通じての心の通った交流を求めている。

Yoshitaka Kinjo was born and raised in Naha City with his two older sisters as the eldest son in a single-parent family. He had hearing difficulty in one ear due to the aftereffects of a childhood illness and was suffering from tinnitus, but what helped him forget this was to immerse himself in a world of his favorite TV shows, late night radio programs and movies. His childhood was humble, but he was a dreamer. He repeatedly watched his treasured VHS videos (on which he recorded his favorite movies) to the point of wear and tear, and he fell asleep every night with the radio held closely to the one ear that still worked.     He spent almost all his time playing soccer at high school. After graduating, he moved from one job to another – in fact, over 30 of them spread across Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka. Throughout the plethora of jobs, his natural gift and passion for photography emerged, which stemmed from his love of movies. Even after turning to freelance work, he was blessed with a variety of jobs and steadily built up his career. Indeed, he was spending almost every waking moment taking pictures. However, he couldn't shake his doubts about becoming a commercial photographer and decided to become an artistic photographer. He left Okinawa in 2016, wanting to devote himself to his production activities and lived abroad for extended periods. He had a difficult time in Cebu, Philippines, where he encountered more chaos than he expected, but in Toronto, Canada, where he was blessed with great opportunities, landing major clients and establishing a reputation for himself.     Armed with the conviction to further pursue this passion, in 2018 he returned to Japan and established the photo studio, Zero Dimension Studio, in Naha, which allowed him to focus on grounded activities in both his public and private life. Using this place not only for photography but also for social events, he got involved in projects in and out of the prefecture. He vigorously created his art works and held three photo exhibitions of himself in about a year. The "#1 Concept" is a collection of photographs taken and saved during his time abroad, the starting point for photographer Yoshitaka Kinjo; “Pictures for Repose of a Soul” was created to calm his long-held and complex feelings about his blood father who died; and “Energy” is the portraits of pregnant Meimu, an Okinawan-based naturalistic artist, during the days leading up to the birth of her child, including her maternity nudes three days before the birth. A number of media introduced these exhibitions as they delivered strong social messages. In accordance with his own words, "Art is the gateway to quality communication." He sought for heartfelt exchanges through his works.     In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, his fourth exhibition "WHO KNOWS - Changing Concepts, Unchanging Souls" was scheduled at Makishi Park in Naha, featuring landscape photos in Okinawa. The aim of the exhibition is to make viewers aware of and grateful for their existing environment by capturing the everyday landscape from a different perspective.

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